Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act (STAEA)

In 2021, the Alberta Government enacted the new Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act. With this act they have opened opportunity for significant changes to how apprentices will be trained. The ATCC Board is engaged in multiple stakeholder consultations to ensure construction trade apprentices continue to be trained to the high standards our members have come to expect.


Stakeholder Issues

Critical issues. Response from Government.

  • ATCC has strongly recommended to government the apprenticeship learners must receive standardized testing to ensure consistency and quality of education.
  • ATCC continues to advocate that Micro Credentialing is only acceptable when it is in addition to an existing journeyperson trade certificate.
  • ATCC continues to advocate for a strong employer and journeyperson employee voice in the ongoing development and delivery of apprenticeship training.

Alberta Trade Definitions

Definitions and scope of work for construction trade careers in Alberta.

  • compiled and maintained by the Edmonton Construction Association (ECA)