Membership in ATCC is open to all construction trade associations representing Alberta trade contractor business owners.
A strong advocacy program requires commitment, dedication, the strategic use of resources and often much more. As an individual association it is a challenge to develop and sustain the efforts needed to affect real change. As a member of ATCC, each individual association can have far greater impact than they can on their own. The results achieved by the efforts of the group are far greater than each individuals’ contribution.
Benefits of Membership
Effective and impactful advocacy through the united voice of the trade contractor industry.
- collaborate to identify critical industry issues
- develop impactful and timely solutions
- support for your industry through partnerships and networking
Get Involved Today
There is room at the ATCC table for additional trade association voices. Choose to add yours.
- Adding your voice to ATCC is easy
- To discuss your membership in ATCC, please contact Russ Evans, General Manager, through the Contact Us page or the link below
Members Only Information
ATCC efforts enhance our members’ members. Individual members of the ATCC member associations are provided access to value added information such as:
- Onerous Contract Clauses
- Prequalification Platforms
- ATCC Change Order Guide
Benefits of Membership
A primary role of all trade associations is to identify and address critical issues that negatively affect the business operations and opportunities of their members. On issues that impact all trade contractors, the individual voice of a single association can often lack impact, whereas the united voice of many associations is far more likely to achieve positive results.
The Alberta Trade Contractors Council’s mission to provide advocacy, awareness and education on critical industry issues is what every trade association is asked to do for its membership. Membership in ATCC is an enhancement of what each member already delivers to its members. In many cases what ATCC can achieve, through the input and sustained effort of the collective, is far more impactful than what can be achieved independently. It also allows individual organizations the opportunity to put more focus on specific issues that may only affect their membership,
While ATCC’s primary focus is advocacy, the Council and the individual members also develop and share education and awareness material to help individual contractors deal with industry issues. As a united voice, ATCC significantly enhances the value that each association delivers to its individual members.